A very simple guide Step by Step to install a clone of Musicbraiz Database on your Ubuntu Server.

Download Ubuntu Server (i prefer this). Install it in the smaller version you can. Install the set of library you’ll need:

$ sudo apt-get install vim git postgresql-client-common postgresql-client postgresql openssh-server python-setuptools libpq-dev python-dev
$ sudo easy_install psycopg2 virtualenv

Open the postgresql to your subnet:

Change this line listen_addresses = '*' on /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf

Add this line host all all md5 on /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Create the postgresql user musicbrainz:

$ createuser musicbrainz

Create the postgres and musicbrainz passwords:

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# \password postgres
postgres=# \password musicbrainz

Create the DB and the SCHEMA:

$ createdb -l C -E UTF-8 -T template0 -O musicbrainz musicbrainz
$ git clone https://github.com/lalinsky/mbslave.git
$ cd mbslave
$ cp mbslave.conf{.default,}
$ echo 'CREATE SCHEMA musicbrainz;' | ./mbslave-psql.py -S
$ sed 's/CUBE/TEXT/' sql/CreateTables.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py

Download the latest version of mbdump.tar.bz2 and /mbdump-derived.tar.bz2 here. Import the data and build indexes:

$ ./mbslave-import.py mbdump.tar.bz2 mbdump-derived.tar.bz2
$ ./mbslave-psql.py <sql/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql
$ grep -vE '(collate|page_index|tracklist_index)' sql/CreateIndexes.sql | ./mbslave-psql.py
$ ./mbslave-psql.py <sql/CreateSimpleViews.sql
$ echo 'VACUUM ANALYZE;' | ./mbslave-psql.py

Change your crontab with this synchronizer:

$ crontab -e

Add this line 15 * * * * $HOME/mbslave/mbslave-sync.py >>/var/log/mbslave.log

Rock’n’Roll :)

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04 February 2012
